Use the code snippets below to help you manage your feeds. Remember to use the Feed Evaluation Tool to preview your content and spot any rendering issues. Questions?
ATOM article feed
Please note that ATOM only supports Articles at the <entry>
level. Slideshows and Videos may be embedded inline within an article.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- The root element must include declaration of used namespaces. -->
<title><![CDATA[Feed title]]></title>
<subtitle><![CDATA[Feed subtitle]]></subtitle>
<name>Feed author</name>
<!-- each individual article is provided in a single <entry> -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You need to specify an <id> which will be used to uniquely identify
the feed item across all other content items coming in your feeds.
The value can be a unique URL -->
<!-- REQUIRED: title must be provided inside the <title> element -->
<title><![CDATA[High-definition video encoding and streaming]]></title>
<!-- REQUIRED: <published> is used to keep track of when the item is published.
In case no "modified/updated date" is provided, published date is also used
to keep track of updates.
Dates must be expressed using RFC 3339 or RFC 822 date formats.
<!-- Use the <updated> element to indicate when was the last time this item was
updated. If this field is not provided, published will be used for both
Published and Updated dates. -->
<!-- REQUIRED: Links or Web URLs point to the document on publisher's site. -->
<link rel="self" href="" />
<!-- RECOMMENDED: provide author name in the author/name element -->
<name><![CDATA[Joe Gargery]]></name>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Subtitle can be specified in <dcterms:alternative> -->
<dcterms:alternative>Article subtitle</dcterms:alternative>
<!-- Use this element if you want to override the default 1-year expiration.
Date formats should follow W3C-DTF
Currently, we only support specifying "end" as the expiration date
and "start" will be ignored.
Note: If the "start" is specified, it will be taken as the published date time.
And we are checking if the publish time is older than 1 year.
You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past.
See the takedown example at the end of this example. -->
<dcterms:valid>start=2016-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
<!-- Alternatively, you can use special element 'mi:expirationDate' to specify
expiration date. You can use any of the formats supported in 'published'. -->
<!-- The “short title” value, also known as a “Web Headline” is used when
displaying content on compact settings.
The value in this field should be 40 characters or less. -->
<mi:shortTitle><![CDATA[Short Title]]></mi:shortTitle>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Provide keywords associated with this document -->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use <category> element at the item level to tag the document
with the category it belongs to.
Multiple tags are allowed, each under a separate <category>. -->
<category term="News" />
<category term="Sports" />
<!-- RECOMMENDED: <summary> is used to specify article's abstract.
You can only provide plain text in this element. -->
Article abstract/description should be plain text, no HTML is allowed
<!-- REQUIRED: Article body must be HTML formatted. It is highly recommended
you use the CDATA structure to provide article content under <content>,
otherwise HTML tags must be escaped.
You can either use CDATA or escaped HTML, but not both, otherwise the content
will not be unescaped. -->
<content type="html">
<!-- An example of a body that contains references to an inline image and video
within the HTML. -->
<img src="" alt="Image title here." title="Image title"
data-portal-copyright="Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images" data-has-syndication-rights="1" data-license-id="698526"
data-licensor-name="Licensor name" data-focal-region="x1:246,y1:140,x2:246,y2:140" />
Media Services enables you to encode your media files into formats that can be played on a wide variety of browsers and devices.
For example, you might want to stream your content in Apple's HLS or MPEG DASH formats. Before streaming, you should encode your high-quality
digital media file. For encoding guidance, see <a href="encoding-concept" data-linktype="relative-path">Encoding concept</a>.
This tutorial uploads a local video file and encodes the uploaded file. You can also encode content that you make accessible via a HTTPS URL.
For more information, see <a href="job-input-from-http-how-to" data-linktype="relative-path">Create a job input from an HTTP(s) URL</a>.
<p> Here is an example of an embedded 1PP video using the 'video' tag</p>
<video id="8172818" title="an inline video" poster="" data-description="this is a sample inline video" data-portal-copyright="Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos">
<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>
<p> And here is an example of an embedded 3PP YouTube video using 'iframe' </p>
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"
src="" >
<p> You can also embed an inline slideshow using html as below.</p>
<div class="slideshow">
<cite>Slideshow author</cite>
<title>Slideshow title</title>
<img src="" title="slide 1 title" />
<figcaption>slide 1 caption
<span class="copyright">slide 1 copyrights</span>
<img src="" title="slide 2 title" />
<figcaption>slide 2 caption
<span class="copyright">Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</span>
<!-- Here is another example how to add images to content using the
media:content tag. -->
REQUIRED: URL must be provided for media elements.
It is also used to uniquely identify the video.
NOTE: you need to specify the medium and set to "image" or "video" depending on
the content type OR the 'type' attribute must indicate a valid video or image
content type.
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
RECOMMENDED: Provide image attribution in media:credit.
Recommended format is: Photographer name/Agency name.
If not provided, will fallback to "Provided by [PUBLISHER NAME]"
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Image title -->
<media:title>Image title</media:title>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use the media:text tag to specify alt-text -->
<media:text>Image alt-text</media:text>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: You may use Microsoft Ingestion namespace to provide focal
region information -->
<!-- Following 3 fields are used to specify image rights. -->
<!-- Image Syndication Rights are required for auto publish.
If you have Syndication Rights for your images,
this field will default to True.
If you do not have Syndication Rights for images there are two options:
Case 1: Do not send the images unless you can provide the required
information in Case 2
Case 2: You’ve licensed the image from one of the image providers listed
in Appendix I.
<mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName>
<!-- you can also use the media:content tag to add videos to content -->
REQUIRED: URL must be provided for media elements.
It is also used to uniquely identify the video.
NOTE: you need to specify the medium and set to "image" or "video" depending on
the content type OR the 'type' attribute must indicate a valid video
or image content type.
<media:content url="" duration="91" type="video/mp4" medium="video">
<!-- REQUIRED: a unique video identifier is required if this is a 3PP video
(other than YouTube and Daily Motion) -->
<!-- REQUIRED: video image thumbnail is required if the video is 3PP
(except YouTube) and recommended for 1PP videos -->
<media:thumbnail url=""/>
<!-- REQUIRED: video title must be supplied. -->
<media:title>Video title</media:title>
<!-- REQUIRED: provides a description/abstract to the video -->
<media:description>Video description</media:description>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: attribution/copyrights for the video content -->
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit>
<!-- An article might also contain an inline slideshow,
use <media:group> for this purpose -->
<!-- Note that in the case of embedded slideshow,
the slideshow title and description will be the same as the parent article's
unless you explicitly provide them. -->
<!-- Inline slideshow title. If you do not specify a title for inline slideshow,
the slideshow will be ingested with the same title of the parent article. --> <media:title>Slideshow title</media:title>
<!-- Inline slideshow author. Similar to title, if you do not specify an author,
the slideshow will be ingested with the same author of the parent article. -->
<media:credit role="author">Slideshow author</media:credit>
<!-- Each slide is provided as a separate <media:content> element -->
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<!-- slide image attribution / copyrights -->
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<!-- REQUIRED: slide title must be provided in the following element -->
<media:title>Slide 1 title</media:title>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: alt text for slide image-->
<media:text>Slide 1 alt-text</media:text>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: slide caption should be added in the description element.
HTML is allowed in this field when you wrap content within a CDATA structure. -->
<p>Slide 1 description</p>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: additional slide image metadata -->
<mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName>
<!-- a second slide -->
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<media:title>Slide 2 title</media:title>
<media:text>Slide 2 alt-text</media:text>
<media:description>Slide 2 description</media:description>
<!--To specify "related links" you must declare the atom namespace and
use the Atom's Link element-->
<!-- Links MUST have valid "href" and "title" attribute values.-->
<link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<!-- REQUIRED: you must provide a thumbnail image with the link -->
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<!-- Example of a Takedown request. You must provide an <id> of an existing item,
an updated datetime and an expiration date in the past -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You must provide the Unique Identifier of the piece of content
you want to take down through the feed.
The id must belong to an already ingested document -->
<!-- REQUIRED: Use the <updated> element to indicate there is a new update for this
content -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past. "start" needs to be less than a year
in the past -->
<dcterms:valid>start=2019-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
RSS article feed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Default character encoding for feed documents is UTF-8 -->
<!-- The root RSS element must include declaration of used namespaces. -->
<rss xmlns:atom=""
<description>channel description</description>
<!-- each individual article is enclosed in a single <item> -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You need to specify a <guid> which will be used to uniquely
identify the feed item across all other content items coming in your feeds. -->
<guid isPermaLink="false">477648</guid>
<!-- REQUIRED: title must be provided inside the <title> element -->
<title><![CDATA[High-definition video encoding and streaming]]></title>
REQUIRED: <pubDate> is used to keep track of when the item is published.
In case no "modified/updated date" is provided, pubDate is also used to keep
track of updates.
Dates must be expressed using RFC 3339 or RFC 822 date formats.
Wed, 04 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0200
<!-- Use the <dcterms:modified> element to indicate when was the last time
this item was updated.
If this field is not provided,
pubDate will be used for both Published and Updated dates -->
<!-- REQUIRED: Web URL points to the document on publisher's site. -->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use <dc:creator> in RSS to specify author name. -->
<dc:creator>Joe Gargery</dc:creator>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Subtitle can be specified in <dcterms:alternative> -->
<dcterms:alternative>Article subtitle</dcterms:alternative>
<!-- Use this element if you want to override the default 1-year expiration.
Date formats should follow W3C-DTF
Currently, we only support specifying "end" as the expiration date
and "start" will be ignored.
Note: If the "start" is specified,
it will be taken as the published date time.
And we are checking if the publish time is older than 1 year.
You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past.
See the takedown example at the end of this example.
<dcterms:valid>start=2016-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
<!-- Alternatively, you may use special element 'mi:expirationDate' to specify
expiration date. You can use any of the formats supported in 'pubDate'. -->
<!-- The “short title” value, also known as a “Web Headline” is used when
displaying content on compact settings.
The value in this field should be 40 characters or less. -->
<mi:shortTitle>Short Title</mi:shortTitle>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Provide keywords associated with this document -->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use <category> element at the item level to tag the document
with the category it belongs to.
Multiple tags are allowed, each under a separate <category>.
<!-- RECOMMENDED: <description> is used to specify article abstract.
You can only provide plain text in this element. -->
Article description should be plain text, no HTML is allowed
REQUIRED: Article body must be HTML formatted. It is highly recommended
you use the CDATA structure to provide article content under <content:encoded>,
otherwise HTML tags must be escaped.
NOTE: You can either use CDATA or escaped HTML, but not both,
otherwise the content will not be unescaped.
<!-- An example of a body that contains references to an inline image and video
within the HTML. -->
<img src="" alt="Image title here." title="Image title"
data-portal-copyright="Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images" data-has-syndication-rights="1" data-license-id="698526"
data-licensor-name="Licensor name" data-focal-region="x1:246,y1:140,x2:246,y2:140" />
Media Services enables you to encode your media files into formats that can be played on a wide variety of browsers and devices.
For example, you might want to stream your content in Apple's HLS or MPEG DASH formats. Before streaming, you should encode your high-quality
digital media file. For encoding guidance, see <a href="encoding-concept" data-linktype="relative-path">Encoding concept</a>.
This tutorial uploads a local video file and encodes the uploaded file. You can also encode content that you make accessible via a HTTPS URL.
For more information, see <a href="job-input-from-http-how-to" data-linktype="relative-path">Create a job input from an HTTP(s) URL</a>.
<p> Here is an example of an embedded 1PP video using the 'video' tag</p>
<video id="8172818" title="an inline video" poster="" data-description="this is a sample inline video" data-portal-copyright="Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos">
<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>
<p> And here is an example of an embedded 3PP YouTube video using 'iframe' </p>
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"
src="" >
<p> You can also embed an inline slideshow using html as below.</p>
<div class="slideshow">
<cite>Slideshow author</cite>
<title>Slideshow title</title>
<img src="" title="slide 1 title" />
<figcaption>slide 1 caption
<span class="copyright">slide 1 copyrights</span>
<img src="" title="slide 2 title" />
<figcaption>slide 2 caption
<span class="copyright">Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</span>
<!-- Here is another example how to add images to content using
the media:content tag. -->
REQUIRED: URL must be provided for media elements.
It is also used to uniquely identify the video.
NOTE: you need to specify the medium and set to "image" or "video" depending
on the content type OR the 'type' attribute must indicate a valid video
or image content type.
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Provide image attribution in media:credit.
Recommended format is: Photographer name/Agency name.
If not provided, will fallback to "Provided by [PUBLISHER NAME]"
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: image title -->
<media:title>Image title</media:title>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use the media:text tag to specify alt-text -->
<media:text>Image alt-text</media:text>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: You may use Microsoft Ingestion namespace to provide
focal region information -->
<!-- Following 3 fields are used to specify image rights. -->
<!-- Image Syndication Rights are required for auto publish.
If you have Syndication Rights for your images,
this field will default to True.
If you do not have Syndication Rights for images there are two options:
Case 1: Do not send the images unless you can provide the required
information in Case 2
Case 2: You’ve licensed the image from one of the image providers listed
in Appendix I.
<mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName>
<!-- you can also use the media:content tag to add videos to content -->
REQUIRED: URL must be provided for media elements.
It is also used to uniquely identify the video.
NOTE: you need to specify the medium and set to "image" or "video" depending
on the content type OR the 'type' attribute must indicate a valid video
or image content type.
<media:content url="" duration="91" type="video/mp4" medium="video">
<!-- REQUIRED: a unique video identifier is required if this is a 3PP video
(other than YouTube and Daily Motion) -->
<!-- REQUIRED: video image thumbnail is required if the video is 3PP
(except YouTube) -->
<media:thumbnail url=""/>
<!-- REQUIRED: video title must be supplied. -->
<media:title>Video title</media:title>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: provides a description/abstract to the video -->
<media:description>Video description</media:description>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: attribution/copyrights for the video content -->
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit>
<!-- Closed Captions might be required by law in the target markets. -->
<!-- You may use the `<media:subtitle>` element to provide
an external Timed Text format file based on W3C Timed Text format.
Only [TTML 1]( is currently supported. -->
href="" />
<!-- An article might also contain an inline slideshow, use <media:group>
for this purpose -->
<!-- Note that in the case of embedded slideshow, the slideshow title and
description will be the same as the parent article's unless you explicitly
provide them. -->
<!-- Inline slideshow title. If you do not specify a title for inline slideshow,
the slideshow will be ingested with the same title
of the parent article. -->
<media:title>Slideshow title</media:title>
<!-- Inline slideshow author. Similar to title, if you do not specify an author,
the slideshow will be ingested with the same author
of the parent article. -->
<media:credit role="author">Slideshow author</media:credit>
<!-- Each slide is provided as a separate <media:content> element -->
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<!-- RECOMMENDED: slide image attribution / copyrights -->
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<!-- REQUIRED: slide title must be provided in the following element -->
<media:title>Slide 1 title</media:title>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: alt text for slide image-->
<media:text>Slide 1 alt-text</media:text>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: slide description should be added in the description element.
HTML is allowed in this field when you wrap content
within a CDATA structure. -->
<p>Slide 1 description</p>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: additional slide image metadata -->
<mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName>
<!-- a second slide -->
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<media:title>Slide 2 title</media:title>
<media:text>Slide 2 alt-text</media:text>
<media:description>Slide 2 description</media:description>
<!--To specify "related links" you must declare the atom namespace and
use the Atom's Link element-->
<!-- Links MUST have valid "href" and "title" attribute values.-->
<atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<!-- REQUIRED: you must provide a thumbnail image with the link -->
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<media:thumbnail url="" />
RSS slideshow feed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The root RSS elements must include declaration of used namespaces. -->
<title>Slideshow Group Title</title>
<description>This is a group of slideshows.</description>
<lastBuildDate>01 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<!-- each individual slideshow is provided in a single <item> -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You need to specify a <guid> which will be used to uniquely
identify the feed item across all other content items coming in your feeds. -->
<guid isPermaLink="false">207073</guid>
<!-- REQUIRED: slideshow title must be provided -->
<title>Get the facts. Your Vision. Your Cloud</title>
<!-- REQUIRED: <pubDate> is used to keep track of when the item is published.
In case no "modified/updated date" is provided, pubDate is also used
to keep track of updates.
Dates must be expressed using RFC 3339 or RFC 822 date formats.
Wed, 04 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0200
<pubDate>01 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<!-- Use the <dcterms:modified> element to indicate when was the last time
this item was updated.
If this field is not provided, pubDate will be assumed to be updated
with every new version-->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use dc:creator in RSS to specify author name. -->
<dc:creator>Joe Gargery</dc:creator>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Subtitle can be specified in <dcterms:alternative> -->
<dcterms:alternative>Article subtitle</dcterms:alternative>
<!-- Use this element if you want to override the default 1-year expiration.
Date formats should follow W3C-DTF
Currently, we only support specifying "end" as the expiration date
and "start" will be ignored.
Note: If the "start" is specified, it will be taken as
the published date time.
And we are checking if the publish time is older than 1 year.
You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past.
See the takedown example at the end of this example.
<dcterms:valid>start=2016-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
<!-- Alternatively, you may use special element 'mi:expirationDate'
to specify expiration date. You can use any of the formats supported
in 'pubDate'. -->
The “short title” value, also known as a “Web Headline” is used when
displaying content on compact settings.
The value in this field should be 40 characters or less.' -->
<mi:shortTitle>Short Title</mi:shortTitle>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Provide keywords associated with this document -->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use <category> element at the item level to tag the document
with the category it belongs to.
Multiple tags are allowed, each under a separate <category>.
<!-- Slideshow description/abstract is specified in the description tag.
The description will be shown in the Promo Cards -->
<description><![CDATA[ Slideshow description ]]></description>
<!-- each slide is expressed using a <media:content> element -->
<!-- REQUIRED: slide image url must be specified in media content element url -->
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Provide image attribution in media:credit.
Recommended format is: Photographer name/Agency name.
If not provided, will fallback to "Provided by [PUBLISHER NAME]"
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<!-- REQUIRED: slide title must be provided in the following element -->
<media:title>Choose from more than 100 services</media:title>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: alt text for slide image-->
<media:text>Azure has over 100 services to choose from.</media:text>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: slide caption should be added in the description element.
HTML is allowed in this field when you wrap content within a CDATA structure. -->
Engage users in richer ways by building native mobile apps, responsive web apps, or next-generation experiences
like bots and mixed reality. Quickly solve the toughest challenges and get your app up and running with minimal
effort through seamless integration with the Visual Studio family of tools and more than 100 turn-key Azure services.
<!-- RECOMMENDED: additional slide image metadata -->
<mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName>
<!-- a second slide -->
<media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image">
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit>
<media:title>Slide 2 title</media:title>
<media:text>Slide 2 alt-text</media:text>
<!--To specify "related links" you must declare the atom namespace and
use the Atom's Link element-->
<!-- Links MUST have valid "href" and "title" attribute values.-->
<atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<!-- REQUIRED: you must provide a thumbnail image with the link -->
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<media:thumbnail url="" />
<atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal">
<media:thumbnail url="" />
RSS audio feed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The root RSS element must include declaration of used namespaces. -->
<rss version="2.0"
<title>Feed title</title>
<description>Feed description</description>
<lastBuildDate>01 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<!-- you can either use Media RSS or iTunes namespace to set audio properties -->
<!-- Example 1: using Media RSS -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You need to specify a <guid> which will be used to uniquely
identify the feed item across all other content items coming in your feeds. -->
<guid isPermaLink="false">723435</guid>
<!-- REQUIRED: audio title must be provided -->
<title>Example audio using Media RSS</title>
REQUIRED: <pubDate> is used to keep track of when the item is published.
In case no "modified/updated date" is provided, pubDate is also used
to keep track of updates.
Dates must be expressed using RFC 3339 or RFC 822 date formats.
Wed, 04 Oct 2018 15:00:00 +0200
<pubDate>01 Oct 2018 13:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<!-- Use the <dcterms:modified> element to indicate when was the last time this
item was updated.
If this field is not provided, pubDate will be assumed to be updated
with every new version -->
<!-- REQUIRED: Web URL points to the page hosting the video on the
publisher's site. -->
<!-- Use this element if you want to override the default 1-year expiration.
Date formats should follow W3C-DTF
Currently, we only support specifying "end" as the expiration date
and "start" will be ignored.
Note: If the "start" is specified, it will be taken as
the published date time. And we are checking if the publish time is older
than 1 year.
You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past.
See the takedown example at the end of this example.
<dcterms:valid>start=2016-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: audio abstract/description. If not specified here,
it should be specified at <media:description> of the audio -->
<description>Audio description</description>
<!-- use <media:content> element to supply the Audio metadata. -->
<!-- REQUIRED: audio URL must be specified in the url attribute -->
<media:content url="" duration="512" type="audio/mpeg" medium="audio">
<!-- RECOMMENDED: audio thumbnail image -->
<media:thumbnail url="" height="480" width="853" />
<!-- this element will override the title specified on the item level -->
<media:title>Example audio using Media RSS</media:title>
<!-- If specified, this element will override the description specified on
the item level. -->
<media:description>Audio description</media:description>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: audio attribution / copyright -->
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit>
<!-- Example 2: using iTunes namespace -->
<!-- REQUIRED audio stream id-->
<guid isPermaLink="false">723435</guid>
<!-- REQUIRED: audio stream title -->
<title>Example audio using iTunes namespace</title>
<!-- REQUIRED: publication date -->
<pubDate>01 Oct 2018 13:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<dcterms:valid>start=2016-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
<description>Audio description</description>
<itunes:title>Audio stream title</itunes:title>
<itunes:author>Provider name</itunes:author>
<itunes:subtitle>Audio stream subtitle</itunes:subtitle>
<![CDATA[audio stream description]]>
<!-- REQUIRED: audio URL specified within the <enclosure> element -->
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg" />
RSS video feed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The root RSS element must include declaration of used namespaces. -->
xmlns:dcterms="" version="2.0">
<title>Feed title</title>
<description>Feed description</description>
<lastBuildDate>01 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<!-- each individual video is provided in a single <item> -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You need to specify a <guid> which will be used to uniquely
identify the feed item across all other content items coming in your feeds. -->
<guid isPermaLink="false">723435</guid>
<!-- REQUIRED: video title must be provided -->
<title>Video title</title>
REQUIRED: <pubDate> is used to keep track of when the item is published.
In case no "modified/updated date" is provided, pubDate is also used
to keep track of updates.
Dates must be expressed using RFC 3339 or RFC 822 date formats.
Wed, 04 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0200
<pubDate>01 Oct 2017 13:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<!-- Use the <dcterms:modified> element to indicate when was the last time
this item was updated.
If this field is not provided,
pubDate will be assumed to be updated with every new version-->
<!-- REQUIRED: Web URL points to the page hosting the video on
the publisher's site. -->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use dc:creator in RSS to specify author name. -->
<dc:creator>Video author</dc:creator>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Subtitle can be specified in <dcterms:alternative> -->
<dcterms:alternative>Article subtitle</dcterms:alternative>
<!-- Use this element if you want to override the default 1-year expiration.
Date formats should follow W3C-DTF
Currently, we only support specifying "end" as the expiration date
and "start" will be ignored.
Note: If the "start" is specified, it will be taken as
the published date time.
And we are checking if the publish time is older than 1 year.
You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past.
See the takedown example at the end of this example.
<dcterms:valid>start=2016-10-01T10:00:00+0100; end=2018-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>
<!-- Alternatively, you may use special element 'mi:expirationDate' to specify
expiration date. You can use any of the formats supported in 'pubDate'. --> <mi:expirationDate>2018-10-02T13:00:00.52Z</mi:expirationDate>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: video abstract/description. If not specified here,
it should be specified at <media:description> of the video -->
<description>Video description</description>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Provide keywords associated with this document -->
<!-- RECOMMENDED: Use <category> element at the item level to tag the document
with the category it belongs to.
Multiple tags are allowed, each under a separate <category>.
<!-- use <media:content> element to supply the video metadata. -->
<!-- REQUIRED: video URL must be specified with file extension this way -->
<media:content duration="512" type="video/mp4" medium="video" url="">
<!-- REQUIRED: video thumbnail is required for 3PP videos
and recommended for 1PP-->
<media:thumbnail url="" height="480" width="853" />
<!-- this element will override the title specified on the item level -->
<media:title>Video title</media:title>
<!-- If specified, this element will override the description specified on
the item level. -->
<media:description>Video description</media:description>
<!-- RECOMMENDED: video attribution / copyright -->
<media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit>
<!-- Closed Captions might be required by law in the target markets. -->
<!-- You may use the `<media:subtitle>` element to provide an external
Timed Text format file based on W3C Timed Text format.
Only [TTML 1]( is currently supported. -->
href="" />
Takedown request
<!-- Example of a Takedown request.
You must provide a <guid> of an existing item, a modified date
and an expiration date in the past -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You must provide the Unique Identifier of the piece of content
you want to take down through the feed.
The id must belong to an already ingested document -->
<guid isPermaLink="false">477649</guid>
<!-- REQUIRED: Use the <dcterms:modified> element to indicate there is a new
update for this content -->
<!-- REQUIRED: You can use this element to takedown a piece of content,
by specifying an "end" date in the past. -->
<dcterms:valid>end=1990-10-02T10:00:00+0100; scheme=W3C-DTF</dcterms:valid>