All feed items must contain a Unique ID, Title, Published date, and the specified content in order to be ingested. Different types of feed items have additional metadata requirements.
An article must have a unique id, title, publish date and body. All other metadata is optional.
The Slideshow must have a Title, a Unique ID and a Published date. Additionally, it must contain multiple slides in order (2 is the least number of slides, 200 is the maximum) where each slide is composed of an image object. Detecting updated items follows the same algorithm used for articles.
A video specified in a video only feed must have a Unique ID, URL, Publish date, Title, attribution and Caption. If no Unique ID is provided or if video is embedded within an article, the URL is used as an identifier.
Full-size images in articles must have a valid URL. Images in Slideshows must have a title and URL. Thumbnails for videos, related links, or full-size images only need an URL.
Go to the Image licensors page to see the list from Appendix I.
Related links
Related links are not root content types, but they can be attached to articles or Slideshows. A related link must have a valid URL, Title, and Thumbnail image at a minimum.