Inline content can be displayed on MSN via HTML or Media RSS.
Image placement
If you add an image to the article's HTML body using <img> or <figure> tags, it automatically preserves its location within the body. Otherwise, if you use <media:content>, your image might be placed at a location automatically chosen by Ingestion Services. If a tag has a “src” URL that matches the URL of a <media:content> element, the image will be ingested only once and will be located where the img tag is placed.
Leading image
You can inform ingestion that a particular image can be used as a featured image in the promo card by adding class="type:primaryImage" to the <img> tag.
<img src="" class="type:primaryImage">
Display images with inline HTML
<img> tags
You can supply additional metadata when you use the <img> tag within HTML body of the feed item. If metadata is provided for the same image URL both inline and using Media RSS tags, <media:content> metadata will always take precedence.
You can place all image metadata inline within the HTML by leveraging the data-*attributes as in the following example:
<content:encoded> <![CDATA[ <p>Article body paragraph 1</p> <img src="" width="620" height="569" title="Image title" alt="Image alt text" data-portal-copyright="Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images" data-has-syndication-rights="1" data-license-id="698526" data-licensor-name="Licensor name" data-focal-region="x1:245,y1:145,x2:520,y2:320" /> <p>Article body paragraph 2</p></content:encoded>
<figure> tags
You may also populate the <img> tag with optional parameters as the previous example.
<content:encoded> <![CDATA[ <p>Article body paragraph 1</p> <figure> <img src="" width="620" title="image title" alt="Image alt text"/> <figcaption> Image caption <span class="copyright">Image copyrights</span> </figcaption> </figure> <p>Article body paragraph 2</p></content:encoded>
Display images with media RSS
The recommended way of adding image metadata is to use the Media RSS <media:content> element to specify image metadata. By default, the image will be placed on the top of the article.
<media:content> elements cannot be specified inside article's body. They have to be specified as immediate children of the root item element (<item> in RSS or <entry> in Atom).
<!-- REQUIRED: URL must be provided for media elements NOTE: you need to specify medium and set to "image" or "video" depending on the content type --><media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image"> <!-- provide image credits (such as original photographer..etc) in this tag--> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit> <!-- image title --> <media:title>Image1 title</media:title> <!-- use the text tag to specify alt-text --> <media:text>Image1 alt-text</media:text> <!-- to provide focal region information, you may use Microsoft Ingestion namespace as follows --> <mi:focalRegion> <mi:x1>245</mi:x1> <mi:y1>145</mi:y1> <mi:x2>520</mi:x2> <mi:y2>320</mi:y2> </mi:focalRegion> <!-- Following 3 fields are used to specify image rights. If you do not indicate HasSyndicationRights as false, we assume you have the rights.--> <mi:hasSyndicationRights>1</mi:hasSyndicationRights> <mi:licenseId>698525</mi:licenseId> <mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName></media:content>
MSN supports First-Party Player (1PP) and Third-Party Player (3PP) configurations.
1PP videos: In this scenario, video file URL must be provided so that Microsoft Ingestion Services downloads and stores the file on MSN servers. 1PP videos will be rendered using MSN Video Player.
3PP videos- Also, the 3PP-videos are played provider-specific player (e.g. YouTube, DailyMotion, etc.)
Displaying video with HTML
You can use the <video> HTML tag to express an inline video.
<video id="8172818" title="Video title" poster="" data-description="this is a sample inline video" data-portal-copyright="Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos"> <source src="" type="video/mp4"></source> </video>
YouTube is the only 3PP player that is supported using the <iframe> element.
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" src="" ></iframe>
Displaying video with media RSS
Media RSS's <media:content> can be used to add videos to articles. The element must be specified as a child of the <item> element.
<!-- REQUIRED: URL must be provided for media elements. It is also used to uniquely identify the video.NOTE: you need to specify medium and set to "image" or "video" depending on the contenttype --><media:content url="" duration="91" type="video/mp4" medium="video"> <!-- a <guid> may be specified to uniquely identify the video. If not specified, the URL will be used as an identifier. --> <guid>8172818</guid> <!-- video title must be specified. --> <media:title>Video title</media:title> <!-- video image thumnail is required if the video is 3PP (except YouTube) --> <media:thumbnail url=""/> <!-- provide video attribution in media:credit, recommended format is: Author name/Agency name --> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit> <!-- description is used to specify caption text displayed below the video --> <media:description>Video description</media:description></media:content>
<media:content type="application/x-shockwave-flash" medium="video" isDefault="true" expression="full" duration="117" url=""> <media:thumbnail url="" /> <media:player url="" /> <media:title>Video title</media:title> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit></media:content>
<media:content type="application/x-shockwave-flash" medium="video" isDefault="true" expression="full" duration="117" url=""> <media:thumbnail url="" /> <media:player url="" /> <media:title>Video title</media:title> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit></media:content>
Supported 3PP video players must be specified when the publisher’s brand is onboarded. For these supported 3PP video players, you must provide a unique video identifier through the <guid> element for all 3PP videos.
<!-- REQUIRED: <guid>, duration, title and description are required fields --><media:content type="application/x-shockwave-flash" medium="video" isDefault="true" expression="full" duration="117" url=""> <guid>268192</guid> <media:thumbnail url="" /> <media:player url="" /> <media:title>Video title</media:title> <media:description>Video description</media:description> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Videos</media:credit></media:content>
Closed captions on video
You may use the <media:subtitle> element to provide an external Timed Text format file based on W3C Timed Text format. Only TTML 1 is currently supported.
<media:content type="video/mp4" duration="75" medium="video" url=""> <.....> <.....> <media:subTitle type="application/ttml" lang="en" href="" /></media:content>
Related links
The "more from provider” module is an opportunity for brands to display three content links on article and gallery pages, which link to the brand’s own website.
There are two ways to decide which three links are shown in this module:
- Automatically populate most recent articles – Microsoft will display links to the most recent stories that it has ingested amongst the feeds supplied from your brand. We use the canonical link by default but if not provided, Microsoft will not display this link.
- Supply related links with article – see below for examples on how to do this. If this option is selected, then you must supply at least three related links with each content item in the feed.
Related links can be added as child elements to root level feed items (articles and Galleries). Generally, publishers must supply at least 3 links for them to appear in the “related” section in msn.
All related and inline links should preferably be using the HTTPS scheme.
To specify in Atom, publishers can simply use the element. They also need to use the same element in RSS after declaring the Atom namespace. Additionally, because a thumbnail image is required, you can combine with <media:> elements, as shown in this example:
<item><…> <!-- Example of specifying 3 Related Links. In RSS, you need to use of the atom namespace `xmlns:atom=""` --> <!-- REQUIRED: links must have valid "href" and "title" attribute values.--> <atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal"> <!-- REQUIRED: you must provide a thumbnail image with the link --> <media:thumbnail url="" /> </atom:link> <atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal"> <media:thumbnail url="" /> </atom:link> <atom:link rel="related" type="text/html" href="" title="New IRS proposal"> <media:thumbnail url="" /> </atom:link></item>
You can add an inline Slideshow to a specific location within the article's body HTML by utilizing a special construct <div class="Gallery"> as a container of a series of <figure> elements.
<div class="slideshow"> <!-- use <cite> to specify an authro for the inline slideshow. If not specified, the parent article's author will be assigned --> <cite>Slideshow author</cite> <!-- use <title> to specify an authro for the inline slideshow. If not specified, the parent article's title will be assigned --> <title>Slideshow title</title> <!-- each figure element is considered a separate slide --> <figure> <img src="" title="slide 1 title" /> <figcaption>slide 1 caption <span class="copyright">slide 1 image copyrights</span> </figcaption> </figure> <figure> <img src="" title="slide 2 title" /> <figcaption>slide 2 caption <span class="copyright">Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</span> </figcaption> </figure></div>
Displaying slideshows with media RSS
To add an inline Slideshow, use the <media:group> element as a child of the <item> you would like to embed Slideshow with.
Inline Media RSS Slideshows place within the article is decided by the Ingestion Services. If you need to place the Slideshows in a specific location, use HTML instead.
<!-- Note that in the case of embedded slideshow, the slideshow title and description will be the same as the parent article's--><media:group> <!-- Inline slideshow title. If you do not specify a title for inline slideshow, the slideshow will be ingested with the same title of the parent article. --> <media:title>Slideshow title</media:title> <!-- Inlien slideshow author. Similar to title, if not specified, the slideshow will have the same author of the parent article. --> <media:credit role="author">Slideshow author</media:credit> <!-- in this case you can provide consecutive slides in <media:content> --> <media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image"> <!-- provide iamge attribution in media:credit, recommended format is: Photographer name/Agency name --> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit> <!-- REQUIRED: slide title must be provided in the following element --> <media:title>Slide 1 title</media:title> <!-- alt text for slide image--> <media:text>Slide 1 alt-text</media:text> <!-- slide caption should be added in the description element. HTML is allowed in this field when you wrap content within a CDATA structure. --> <media:description> <![CDATA[ <p>Slide 1 description</p> ]]> </media:description> <!-- additional slide image metadata --> <mi:focalRegion> <mi:x1>245</mi:x1> <mi:y1>140</mi:y1> <mi:x2>540</mi:x2> <mi:y2>320</mi:y2> </mi:focalRegion> <mi:hasSyndicationRights>1</mi:hasSyndicationRights> <mi:licenseId>698525</mi:licenseId> <mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName> </media:content> <media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image"> <media:credit>Joe Gargery/Fabrikam Images</media:credit> <media:title>Slide 2 title</media:title> <media:text>Slide 2 alt-text</media:text> <media:description>Slide 2 description</media:description> <mi:focalRegion> <mi:x1>110</mi:x1> <mi:y1>312</mi:y1> <mi:x2>615</mi:x2> <mi:y2>520</mi:y2> </mi:focalRegion> <mi:hasSyndicationRights>1</mi:hasSyndicationRights> <mi:licenseId>698526</mi:licenseId> <mi:licensorName>Licensor name</mi:licensorName> </media:content></media:group>
Social media
The following social embeds can be inserted within an article HTML body:
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Pinterest
- Infogram
- Spotify
- Flourish
- Google Maps
- Giphy
- Reddit
- TikTok
You may use the standard embed code that is recommended by each social provider to make sure the embed is preserved in the article.
All URLs pointing to social embed sources must strictly be https or otherwise will be rejected.
Here are some example embeds:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" align="center" width="350"> <p>We’re more optimistic than ever. The future will surprise the pessimists </p>— Bill Gates (@BillGates) <a href="">February 25, 2017</a></blockquote>
Facebook (iframe)
<iframe frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" src=""></iframe>
Facebook (div)
<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="500" data-show-text="true"> <blockquote cite=""> <p>Post title</p>Posted by <a href="">Contoso ICE</a> on <a href="">Thursday, 8 December 2017</a> </blockquote></div>
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="8"> <div> <p><a href="">Imagine putting 864 servers at the bottom of the ocean #ProjectNatick.</a></p> <p>A post shared by <a href=""> Microsoft</a> (@microsoft) on <time>Apr 22, 2018 at 11:47am PDT</time></p> </div></blockquote>
Pinterest pin widget
<a data-pin-do="embedPin" data-pin-width="medium" href=""></a>
Pinterest board widget
<a data-pin-do="embedBoard" data-pin-board-width="400" data-pin-scale-height="240" data-pin-scale-width="80" href=""></a>
Pinterest profile widget
<a data-pin-do="embedUser" data-pin-board-width="400" data-pin-scale-height="240" data-pin-scale-width="80" href=""></a>
Infogram (responsive)
<script id="infogram_0_df4c17c3-3940-4434-b3a5-b1ef8ac096ef" title="Infogram: 8 years of greatness (infographic)" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Infogram (iframe)
<iframe src="" title="Infogram: 8 years of greatness (infographic)" width="700" height="8127" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
<iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
Flourish (div)
<div class="flourish-embed" data-src="story/187069?27153"><script src=""></script></div>
Flourish (iframe)
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="575" width="700" style="width:100%;"></iframe>
Google Maps
<iframe src="!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d13981.509066247283!2d-81.79698!3d28.827626!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x64c6defc49caa9f0!2sLake-Sumter%20State%20College!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1587812382206!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="0"></iframe>
<iframe src="" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>
<blockquote class="reddit-card" data-card-created="1596039116"> <a href=""> Microsoft: Official Support Thread</a> from <a href="">r/microsoft </a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="UTF-8"></script>
<blockquote class="tiktok-embed" cite= data-video-id="microsoft_official_support_thread" style="max-width: 605px;min-width: 325px;" > <section> <a target="_blank" title="@bronniiieee" href= rel="noopener noreferrer">@billgates</a> <p>Who is THAT?</p> <a target="_blank" title="Music" href= rel="noopener noreferrer">Microsoft: Official Support Thread</a> </section></blockquote>