Your brand profile lets others know who you are and what kinds of content you publish.
Your brand profile page
You can review your profile page at any time, either by clicking your profile picture on MSN Partner Hub, or by navigating to Settings > Brand on the MSPH dashboard. Changes to the brand profile settings will affect all content published under this brand.
Brand naming conventions
- All brand names should be unique and less than 50 characters.
- Make a clear distinction by vertical or region, e.g., Contoso News vs. Contoso Weather or Contoso Springfield and Contoso Shelbyville.
Add the language in parentheses, e.g., Contoso News Canada (French) and Contoso News Canada (English)
If your Brand name is not unique to the consumer, then we recommend the following in priority order
- First add the Country.
- If needed add the language.
- If further differentiation is needed use the vertical
“Brand name + Vertical + Location + (Language)”
For example: Contoso UK
Or where more distinction is needed: Contoso News Canada (English)
Brand profile tab
The Profile tab allows you to:
- Set your Profile name. There is a limit of 50 characters.
- Enter a Description of your brand, such as what topics you cover or a short blurb about yourself, up to 280 words in plaintext, no special characters or symbols.
- Upload the Profile picture you would like to use to identify your brand, such as a logo or headshot, in .png, .jpg, or .jpg format, at least 448 x 448 pixels.
Navigate to the Content tab to specify whether your brand's content is local news (you can add up to ten locations covered by your news posts), set the location of your target audience if desired, and choose how stories will display on your profile.
The Privacy tab has settings to allow you to clear all your content and data from MSN Partner Hub and clear all your activity and data in the Microsoft News community.
All changes to brand profiles must be approved by the MSN Partner Hub moderation team before going live.
- Profiles that pass moderation will automatically be published.
- If your profile doesn’t pass moderation for any reason you will need to address any flagged issues and resubmit for approval.
Review can take up to 24 hours and no changes may be made to your brand profile until moderation approval. You can read more in the Publishing guidelines section of this guide.
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