MSN Partner Hub is invitation-only. To sign up as a MSN Partner, you will need the unique Invite code that was emailed to you by Microsoft.
Checklist: Before you begin
To ensure your setup goes smoothly, please gather all the information you will need to set up your MSN Partner Hub account before you begin.
Please complete this process on a PC or Mac, as mobile is currently unsupported.
- The Invite code you received from Partner Hub Support upon approval of your website
- The Microsoft account you would like to permanently associate with your MSN Partner Hub account
- Your Profile name, 100 characters max.
- Your Profile description, 280 plaintext words max
- Your Profile picture, JPG, JPEG, or PNG, at least 448x448 pixels
- The Payment account information where you would like your revenue sharing and publisher support income to be deposited
- The WordPress, ATOM, or RSS feed to connect your content
Please note that profile content is subject to moderation approval.
All partners will be vetted upon application and periodically on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance with all laws, regulations, and guidelines.
Remember to bookmark the MSPH login page so you can find it again easily.
Sign in with your Microsoft account
You will need a Microsoft account (MSA) to register for MSN. You may already have an MSA that you use to log in to other Microsoft products.
Your MSA will be permanently linked to your MSN Partner Hub contract. Your contract cannot be assigned or transferred to another MSA. Closing your MSA will terminate your MSN Partner Hub account. The account you use to register for MSN Partner Hub must be a personal Microsoft account. An enterprise account will not work. Contact your partner admin to add roles to your enterprise ID if you want to use that sign-in for MSPH.
Third-party cookies
Make sure your browser is set to accept third-party cookies. Users browsing in a privacy-enhanced mode such as Chrome's incognito mode may need to manually re-enable third-party cookies in their browser's settings.
Note for brands with multiple contributors
Once your MSN Partner Hub account is active, you are welcome to set up multiple users to help you manage your brands and content. Check out the Set Up Users and Set Up Your Brand Profile sections of this guide.
Enter your unique invite code
Click the link provided in your email and enter your Invite code.
Select your account type
If you are an individual or small media brand with an email address registered at a public domain such as,, or, select Individual.
If you are a large company or publisher and use a corporate email registered to a private domain affiliated with the site, select Organization.
Designate an account manager
As an Individual creator, you will most likely be managing contracts and payments yourself. You will also have the ability to create and manage multiple brands. If you have a business manager or other person you would like to handle these responsibilities, enter their contact information at this stage. Otherwise, enter your own contact information.
While Individual accounts can be registered to email addresses registered at public domains such as,, or, Organization accounts must be linked to a corporate email registered to a private domain affiliated with the site being published to MSN.
For example, the account manager for should use their email address when registering. Organization accounts registered with public email domains will be flagged during the review stage. If you are an organization and are unable to provide a corporate email address, or have another issue related to email registration, please contact us at
Verify your email
MSN will send a verification email to the account you provide during account setup. Simply click the link embedded in the email to continue your setup process. Microsoft will send all communications about MSN Partner Hub to this address. This verification email will expire after seven days.
Didn’t receive a verification email?
Check your spam filter. Be sure to whitelist to avoid missing emails from MSN Partner Hub in the future.
Check that your email address was entered correctly. If you spot a typo, just correct it and resubmit.
Still having trouble? Contact your email service provider for assistance. If they are unable to resolve the issue, Contact us at
Review and sign documents
All MSN Partners must review and digitally sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Licensing Agreement, and MSN's Content Guidelines. Have questions? Contact us at