Set up your account
MSN Partner Hub is invitation-only. To sign up as a MSN Partner, you will need the unique Invite code that was emailed to you by Microsoft. Checklist: Before you begin To ensure your setup goes smoothly, please gather all the information you will need to set up your MSN Partner Hub account before you begin. Please complete…
Set up your brand
Your brand profile lets others know who you are and what kinds of content you publish. Your brand profile page You can review your profile page at any time, either by clicking your profile picture on MSN Partner Hub, or by navigating to Settings > Brand on the MSPH dashboard. Changes to the brand profile settings will…
Set up payment account
MSN partners earn money from ad revenue sharing and, if enabled, publisher support. MSN Partner Hub uses a third-party service provider, Stripe, to connect to your bank and process payments. For questions about Stripe, contact Stripe support. To set up your payment account in the MSN Partner Hub dashboard: Step…
Set up users
Once your MSN Partner Hub account is set up and activated, you can add multiple users to help you manage your brands. Add a user Log into the MSN Partner Hub and click Settings in the navigation panel. Select User, then Add user, and enter their email address. Set the Scope. This is the level of access you want your new…
Partner Hub FAQ
How do I set up an account? Go here to get your invite code and then follow the instructions in the Getting started guide. You will need to gather some information before you start, such as the logo for each brand you want to set up and the bank details for the account you want to send your ad revenue to. Why am I having…
Need help?
MSN Partner Hub has many resources to help you get answers to your questions or troubleshoot issues. The MSPH Knowledge Base MSN Partner Hub This guide covers the basics of setting up your account and Brands, managing payments, managing users, setting up your content feeds, and understanding the analytic tools available to…