The following content is prohibited on MSN:
Section 1: Vulgar or profane language
- Vulgarity and profanity are not permitted in titles or headlines.
- Profanity may appear in the body text if it is partially obscured (e.g., "f*ck," "sh-t"), or bleeped in audio or video content.
- Profanity is not allowed in images, including on clothing or graffiti in the background.
Section 2: Content unsuitable for minors
- Content that promotes, encourages, or glorifies drug use, smoking, vaping, or alcohol consumption to minors is prohibited.
Section 3: Prohibited images and videos
- Gratuitous images of violence
- Excessive blood or gore in images
- Gratuitous images of dead bodies or body bags
- Images gratuitously highlighting deformity or “medical voyeurism”
- Images that depict animals in extreme distress
- Images that glorify terrorists or other extremist groups
- Gratuitous images of murders and violent crimes or sexual assault
- Images that identify crime victims (unless the victims publicly identify themselves)
- Nudity or erotic content, including sexually suggestive poses or close-up shots that emphasize certain body areas (e.g., breasts, buttocks).
Section 4: Terrorism or violent extremism
- Text that glorifies terrorists or extremist groups is strictly prohibited.
Section 5: Violence and violent threats
- Detailed descriptions of murders and violent crimes (including sexual assault), or the identity of crime victims unless the victims have publicly identified themselves.
- No real-work threats of violence targeting individuals, groups, buildings, or infrastructure.
Section 6: Sexually explicit content
- Images or videos showing exposed buttocks, female nipples, or genitalia are not allowed.
- No images of individuals who are nude but have their hands strategically placed over breasts, genitalia etc.
- No images of people having intercourse, performing a sexual act or simulating a sexual act (with or without clothing). This includes masturbation, bestiality, sexual bondage and prominent erection bulges.
- No depictions of sexual acts or simulations, even if partially obscured.
- No images of people in revealing clothing (e.g. bikinis) where the primary focus is on breasts, buttocks, cleavage or genital areas and are sexually suggestive in nature. The exception is entertainment award shows and fashion weeks. However, the primary focus of the image cannot be close-up shots of breasts, buttocks, cleavage or genital areas.
- No sex toys or objects used to depict sex (e.g. banana with a condom on it)
- No cartoons, toys or artworks (including famous) of any of the above.
- No images of kissing on breasts or buttocks.
- Text or audio that includes graphic descriptions of sexual activity, where there is no aim beyond titillating the audience.
- Exceptions apply to text or audio descriptions of sexual activity that is pertinent to health education, the outcome of a court case, news about adult film stars with broader societal value, stories about the adult or pornographic film industries from a broad news perspective, provided that the content contains a graphic content warning.
Section 7: Borderline adult, suggestive, and unpleasant content in thumbnail images
- Content will be restricted if it includes thumbnail images of borderline adult, titillating, or explicit material likely to evoke discomfort due to sensory or visual associations. Examples of restricted content include:
- Intimate exposure: Images showing revealing unclothed body parts, such as close-ups of skin or body regions that may evoke discomfort or appear overly suggestive.
- Sexualized clothing: Images featuring individuals in lingerie, underwear, or bikinis, especially if depicted in a provocative manner.
- Lewd or titillating themes: Images referencing sexual behavior, adult advice, or any other themes intended to provoke a sexual response.
- Non-sexual intimate acts: Images demonstrating physical closeness, such as cuddling or massaging, that may evoke discomfort or imply intimacy.
- Bodily functions or fluids: Any images of bodily fluids, waste, or processes that can be perceived as unsavory or unpleasant.
- Graphic health conditions: Images like open sores, infections, or other visuals that may induce discomfort.
- Unsavory environments: Images of unpleasant environments such as pest infestations, rotting materials, or decomposing biological matter.
Section 8: Hate speech
- Content that condones hate or incites violence based on race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or mental or physical disability status.
Section 9: Misinformation and hoaxes
- Content spreading false information or deliberate misinformation on topics like COVID-19, Mpox, elections, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and conspiracy theories (e.g. QAnon) is not allowed.
Section 10: Suicide or self-harm
- Any content that promotes or encourages suicide or self-harm (including eating disorders); provides depictions of or instructions for methods of suicide or self-harm; or belittles, mocks, or disparages suicide or self-harm.
- We do allow content that discusses a case of suicide and self-harm with appropriate context and news value.
Section 11: Bullying & harassment
- Bullying, harassment, and abusive behavior towards individuals or groups are prohibited. This includes body shaming, demeaning or harassing someone because of their appearance, and revealing personal information (like address, email, or social media handles). This applies to both private and public figures.
Section 12: Sexual assault
- Do not identify sexual assault victims or show photos of them unless they have already identified themselves publicly elsewhere.
- Do not show content with explicit or graphic details of any sexual assault. Care should be taken with any sexual assault involving a child or minor.
- We do allow stories containing upsetting detail about sexual assault that is either historic or has significant news value. This can include high-profile sexual assault cases with potentially upsetting details that involve politicians, business leaders and celebrities.
- Displaying suspects in sexual assault cases is permitted if verified by legal authorities.
Section 13: Gore (text and audio)
- Text or audio containing graphic descriptions of violence or gore, intended solely to shock the audience, is prohibited.
- "Medical voyeurism," such as vivid depictions of injuries or medical condition that dehumanize subjects, is not allowed.
- Graphic descriptions of violence in text or audio may be allowed if it is contextually relevant to illustrating an important event.
Section 14: Manipulated media
- Manipulated or synthetic media will be removed unless it is clearly identified and/or labelled and not intended to deceive or cause real-world harm.
Section 15: Plagiarism
- Plagiarism is defined as using the work of another person or publication without permission or attribution in an attempt to pass off the work as one’s own. This includes exact copying word-for-word or scraping content. It also includes using the ideas, structure, research and newsgathering of another published work even if wording is changed to appear to be original.
- Content must be original or appropriately attributed. Plagiarism, including AI-generated content without attribution, is strictly prohibited.
Section 16: Regulated goods
- Alcohol and tobacco: Content that promotes the sale of these items or glorifies their consumption is prohibited. For example, advertisements for selling alcohol or tobacco products would be removed.
- Weapons and spy equipment/nanny cams: No promotion or instructions on how to purchase weapons or spy gear. Educational content and safety tips about legal uses and storage are permitted.
- Drugs and drug paraphernalia: Promotions or glorification of recreational and illegal drugs are strictly banned. News reporting on drug-related issues remains permissible.
- Sex and human trafficking: Any content promoting sexual services or human trafficking will be removed. Responsibly reported news stories on these topics are allowed.
- Human body parts and live animals: Content related to the sale or acquisition of human body parts and live animals is prohibited.
- Illegal products and services: Content involving illegal activities such as unauthorized streaming and hacking is vigilantly removed.
- Hazardous chemicals: Promotions or DIY instructions involving hazardous chemicals are banned unless they pertain to safety measures and legal uses.
Section 17: Gambling and sweepstakes guidelines
- Content that facilitates, promotes, or incentivizes gambling using real or virtual currencies is strictly prohibited, except where it pertains to news and educational stories that discuss the gambling industry without promoting participation.
Section 18: Unverified medical claims
- Content promoting products or services that include unverified medical claims is strictly prohibited. Only content that has been substantiated by credible medical authorities and offers educational value will be allowed. This includes discussions on weight loss, cures and remedies, enhancement products, detox products, skincare, pain relief, and hair growth products.