Unified Mobile Feed (UMF) provides a performant, high quality, and modern content feed tailored for mobile users.
Integration endpoint
To achieve the UMF experience, embed the following URL in the container. There's both a full page and an infopane experience.
URL: https://www.msn.com/widgets/fullpage/channelmobile/{product}?scenario={page/infopane}&isDarkMode={true}&apiKey=<key>
Query parameters
- Product: This is a required parameter; you need to register your product at the time of onboarding.
- APIKey: This is a required parameter; a specific API key will be assigned for each implementation after you have completed the onboarding process.
- Locale: The locale ID of one of the Microsoft News available markets.
- IsDarkMode: This is an optional parameter, by default it is “false”
- Scenario: This is an optional parameter, by default it is page and full page UX. Valid values: page/infopane
Full page UX
Embed the following URL for full page UX.
URL: <iframe src="https://www.msn.com/widgets/fullpage/channelmobile/{product}?apiKey=<key>&isDarkMode=true">
Infopane UX
Embed the following URL for infopane UX.
URL: <iframe src="https://www.msn.com/widgets/fullpage/channelmobile/{product}?apiKey=<key>&isDarkMode=true&scenario=infopane">
Data expectations
UMF will capture the following signals to better personalize the user experience and recommend relevant content:
- Impressions
- Clicks
- Upvote/Downvote/Comment
- Like/Dislike/Follow/Block
- Click Dwell Time
Reach out to UMFsupport@microsoft.com for any questions, concerns, or feedback.