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moderator request



  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @Amy Reiley Have you checked your spam/junk folders? I have seen a lot of creators getting PHS responses stuck there. If you can't find a response, can you please forward your email to hellocreator@microsoft.com and I will escalate it for you.

    @Khoi Thanks for the awareness on this, I am going to post a poll asking everyone if they can see the appeal feature so we can start investigating this.

    @eileen gunn Can you email me examples of articles that this has happened with to hellocreator@microsoft.com

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭

    @Piper Essick I've checked spam and it is not there. Also worth mentioning I had no problem receiving emails from them when I had the issue with my earnings not showing up on my report. I wish I could send you a copy but I filled out the form and it doesn't automatically forward a copy to me so I can't forward it to you.

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭

    @Piper Essick I've been using the Raise A Support Ticket form. It gets 0 response.

  • eileen gunn
    eileen gunn MSA Posts: 66 ✭✭

    this happened just this morning. submitted 3 or 4 times and was rejected. then copy and pasted it and it went right through,

  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @Amy Reiley I am sorry that you are not receiving a response by submitting a ticket through the support button. Can you please email me listing out your issues at hellocreator@microsoft.com and then I can escalate to Partner Hub Support. Thank you!

  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @eileen gunn Thank you so much for sending that over, I am going to investigate this issue.

  • Paige Watts
    Paige Watts MSA Posts: 11

    @Piper Essick I'm also having an issue with content stuck in moderation, and I've received no response from submitting through the support button. I've just sent you an email.

  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @Paige Watts I am going to investigate the button issue to see if there is a technical error happening. For the time being, can you email partnerhubsupport@microsoft.com your issues - thank you!

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭

    @Piper I finally got a response on my support ticket re articles stuck under review. Actually, it wasn't so much of a response but they pushed through all but 1 article and then closed the ticket. However, I don't know why they skipped one if it was accidental or on purpose. And then just days after everything was fixed, another recipe got stuck in moderation. I feel like this happens about once every 10 days and now about twice/week I'm having articles rejected and have to ask for review. Any idea what's going on or if there's a better way to get articles out of review?

  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @Amy Reiley Was partner hub support able to tell you why your posts are getting rejected or stuck under review? It is super important to continue to raise support tickets for this so they can alert our moderation team.

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭
    edited February 2023 #42

    @Piper Essick part of my frustration is that there was no explanation or tips on how to avoid this in future. I noticed that a post I tried to publish this morning is stuck, which at this point probably means it's stuck for good. I don't get any response from support tickets on this matter. The only time anything happened was when you escalated the issue. I also don't get any kind of response when an article is rejected. I just appeal and within hours it gets approved but no idea why it happened or how to avoid it.

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭

    @Piper Essick I submitted another support ticket with the following: I am looking for some help with the publishing process. I continue to have content stuck in moderation. Please review the articles stuck in review from 2/27, 2/17 and 11/18. (Note I requested a review of 11/18 previously.) I would like to know what I can do in the future to stop having an article get stuck every week or two. (I'm experiencing this problem an average of once every 10-12 days.) 

    Thank you.

  • eileen gunn
    eileen gunn MSA Posts: 66 ✭✭
    edited February 2023 #44

    I always assumed articles getting stuck is just a glitch in the system -- that they are somehow passed over and then never get looked at. But if there are reasons they get stuck under review it would be helpful to know what they are.

    It would also be helpful to be able to delete posts that have been under review for more than a few days.

    I have 5 posts stuck under review and they have been there since November, December and January. Some I just gave up on, but for some I created a manual submission that was published so I don't need the under review ones any more.

  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @Amy Reiley @eileen gunn I am so sorry to hear that you are having issues with moderation and not getting resolutions with the support team. Our moderation process is very strict because we are a big platform with people of all ages and backgrounds. We are currently working on fixing the moderation process right now though to help prevent wrongful rejections and reviews though. It is not acceptable for support tickets to go unanswered so please forward them to me at hellocreator@microsoft.com and I will have them escalated. I am sending your feedback to the team to share your experiences and concerns.

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭

    @Piper I am not sure how to forward it to you since it's a form and they don't send an email duplicate.

  • Piper Essick
    Piper Essick KBAdmin, MSA Posts: 388 admin

    @Amy Reiley Is the form in your private messages here? If so, can you email me a screenshot of it please?

  • Amy Reiley
    Amy Reiley MSA Posts: 63 ✭✭

    @Piper Essick ah ha! I didnt' realize a copy went to messages.