Are you accepting new creators to the program?

I've had friends ask about joining MSN, is there still a freeze on accepting new creators or can I send a link for someone to join?
If so what is the link?
Best Answer
@Khoi I was able to pull up the email thread with our acquisition lead - You did exactly what is needed at this time, and you are on our waitlist. We will alert you when we get to your application!
Hi @Chef Dennis, yes there is still a freeze, but we are scheduled to resume recruitment in early January 2023. In the meantime, they can still apply here: and their application will be processed. Make sure they put your name in the "Who referred you" section as well and you'll receive a referral bonus!
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@Jake Is the program reopened? I was curious, if I have another website, could I get it added to MS as well?
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@Khoi We are beginning to work through our waitlist and will be slowly accepting new creators. And yes, we could give you a new code to sign up another website. Can you please email us at with this request and a link to your website for us to review. Thanks!
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@Piper I sent an email, but I never received a new code to enroll my other site. I did reapply with the new site and was notified that the queue is very long and it could take months to get approved.
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@Piper Essick , I've heard that there was recently a freeze on the addition of new publishers. We're aiming to onboard a major publisher by the beginning of July. Is there anyone we can talk to about facilitating the enrollment so that there is no delay? It's a very interesting project. Excited to meet with your team about it.
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@Clever Rebel We are opening up Acquistion again, but we have an extensive waitlist that may take up to two months. We are not able to bump anyone up in the list so the acceptance time will depend on where that publisher is in line.